BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks to build a love of reading and learning.
Woodridge Public Library
3 Plaza Dr
Woodridge, IL 60517
United States
BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks to build a love of reading and learning.
Up to 5 items can be checked out at a time, and 5 items placed on hold.
Get the Boundless 360 app to browse and enjoy e-books and audiobooks from eRead Illinois.
hoopla digital offers movies, music, e-books, audiobooks, and comics. Items are always available so there's no waiting. Find the app in the Apple App Store, Apple TV app store, Google Play, or Amazon app store.
Kanopy showcases rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Kino Lorber, Music Box Films, Samuel Goldwyn, The Orchard, The Great Courses, PBS, and tho
Libby has ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines. Up to 20 items can be checked out at a time, and 20 items placed on hold. Magazines do not count as checkouts.
This is the only ebook collection with ebooks that can be read on e-ink Kindles.
Get free access to New York Times News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic—including apps— from anywhere.