Toddler Time is a twenty-minute story program for 2-year-olds (or young 3's) and caregiver. Registration begins January 7.
Storytime is a half-hour story program for 3 to 5-year-olds (not in Kindergarten). Registration begins January 7.
This program is for families with children 2 to 5 years of age. Parents or caregivers are welcome to attend, but are not required to unless their child is under 3 years of age. Registration not required.
Learn how to set tabs, create numbered and bulleted lists, use headers and footers, and insert tables.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Microsoft Word is required.
Beth Randall of Joe Organizer shares tips and ideas for tackling the day-to-day paper clutter that takes over, organizing clothes and accessories in your closets and organizing your kitchen to be more efficient. A step-by-step process of how