Libby has ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines. Up to 20 items can be checked out at a time, and 20 items placed on hold. Magazines do not count as checkouts.
This is the only ebook collection with ebooks that can be read on e-ink Kindles.
Find videos, tutorials, device-specific help, and more at Overdrive Help.
Libby is the app for Media On Demand. You can get it on your device and use it online. For help with the Libby app, visit Libby help.
You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started for new users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users.
Kindle Fire: the Libby app is not available from the Kindle app store. Kindle Fire users can use:
- the Media On Demand website to send Kindle books to your Fire,
- the Silk browser on your Fire go to use Media On Demand on the Libby app page for an app-like experience.
- the Libby app by downloading it directly from Overdrive.