Cicada Parade-a

Cicada Parade-a: Big Bugs Coloring

Great job cicada artists: over 200 patrons turned in cicada coloring sheets. See them all in the Cicada Parade-a Gallery. 

We’ve randomly drawn the winners:

Maya S., Children’s Category

Marge O., Adult Category


  • 210: kid & adult coloring entries
  • 420: glowing cicada eyes colored
  • 2: randomly selected winners
  • $25: Amazon gift card prize amount
  • 2027: year of next cicada coloring contest

See BIG BUG sculptures--at the Circulation Desk and on the Adult & Teen Reference Desk--when you visit, through the end of summer. They are part of the Chicagoland Cicada Parade-a community art project.

In the News: Cicada Art Swarms Woodridge Public Library

Cicada Gallery